I was pretty far down the list so didn’t think they’d get to me but I was holding my breath. If it was going to go I would’ve had to be blinded down,” he admitted. “I had a case set for jury trial this morning. Interestingly, Byrnes almost didn’t get the chance to compete at the final table as he had a court meeting Monday morning that had the potential to keep him preoccupied. I’m going to take my wife to Europe, not sure what else to do with the rest.”īyrnes pledged to donate some of his winnings to the charity First Descents, which offers young adults living with and surviving cancer a free outdoor adventure experience designed to empower them. There was a number of good players at the table but I felt comfortable going in. The guy that came in second, I’d been playing with the past couple of days, he was a hell of a player. I came in third in chips today, which I felt good about. “I was pretty comfortable the whole time. “It was awesome,” Byrnes said after the win.
In the end, 47-year-old criminal defense attorney Bill Byrnes emerged victorious to claim a $148,587 first-place prize. Louis for the first time, and the $1,650 Main Event drew 444 entries, which created a $646,020 prize pool. The Heartland Poker Tour (HPT) was visiting the Hollywood Casino St.